Environmental Sustainability
Skiddaw House is completely off-grid!

Skiddaw House is a fully equipped, off-grid hostel with hot showers, cooking facilities and log stoves. Our core values are to be sustainable and environmentally friendly in all we do to run our hostel.
The hostel opened in 1987 and in that time, we have worked with the Woodland Trust and volunteers who have planted over 150 native trees. The original Larch planted in the mid-1800s, when fallen or dead, are cut and burned in our log fires.
We believe we have little impact on the environment. A pick-up truck helps to service the hostel, bringing in laundry, supplies, gas, as well as taking out all the rubbish and waste. We try to only run the truck once a week.
Our Heating is provided by wood-burning stoves. Most of our wood comes from our own tree plantation in the grounds of Skiddaw House.
Power comes from solar panels and a 24v battery system, which can power 3 hot water boilers, a water filter system, 2 fridges and a freezer, as well as lights.
A back-up generator is on site to top up the batteries, when necessary, to keep power available in the building. On average, the generator is required for about 10 hours/month. A bit more in the Winter and a little less in the Summer.

The bedrooms are fully carpeted and although there is no heating in the bedrooms, there are warm cosy duvets and plenty of extra blankets and hot water bottles are available to use for extra warmth.
The insulation in the building is lambs' wool and lines all of the exterior walls and loft space.
Lighting - Solar Panels
Heat - Logs
Hot Water and Cooking - Bottled Gas
Water - Private supply treated through a UV system
Cleaning - Environmentally friendly products