What's Happening
To keep up to date with what's happening at Skiddaw House, check back here regularly.
You can also subscribe to our Newsletter - fill in the form below.

1550ft Live Music Sessions at Skiddaw House
Come and join us at Skiddaw House on Friday October 4th 2024 when we'll have two unique Cumbrian songwriters Anne-Marie Sanderson and J P Worsfold singing and playing.
Gig + camping £25.
Gig + dorm bed £45
To book: email skiddaw@yha.org.uk

Volunteering at Skiddaw House
Every March we have a small team of enthusiastic and capable volunteers who assist with getting the hostel ready for the new season, carrying out various jobs including painting, general repairs and outside jobs such as chopping wood.
If you have relevant skills and would like to be involved in the 2025 work party, please subscribe to the newsletter below. More information will be published nearer the time.
Skiddaw House ranked third in TGO 2024 Hostel/Bunkhouse Category
The Great Outdoors Reader Awards results for 2024 were announced recently and Skiddaw House came third in the Hostel or Bunkhouse category!
Warden Sue says: "Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed their stay at Skiddaw House and voted for us. We hope to see you again up here, and we look forward to meeting you if you are planning your first time stay with us soon!”